The Fine Print

All content, including text, design work, and photographs on this site are ©Bootybella Designs. Everything I share here is for personal inspiration and may not be copied for submission to contests, magazines, etc.You are welcome to case my artwork. I feel that is a form of flattery. Please give credit by posting a link back here, to my blog.

Thank you for your support!

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's about that time again....those who have been asking and waiting with baited breath....I will be opening up a NEW Stampers 10 group up in March called INKed Mah-mah's!!!! Now, all silliness aside now in the name, you don't have to "physically" be a Mah-mah to be part of this amazing group of gals!!! You do, however, need to be willing to enjoy yourself for 2-3 hours once a month!!!! Do any of these things interest you.....

If I've tweaked your imagination in the slightest, send me an email to and I will reserve a spot for you and maybe even a couple of your girlfriends!!!! What are you waiting for? Let's get INKed!!!!