The Fine Print

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Monday, June 16, 2014

A Herb Garden of Many Varietals....

So I asked for herbs for Mother's Day (instead of flowers...)which have patiently sat in their purchased containers on my front deck for over a month.....waiting, waiting, waiting for someone to decide where/how to plant them. For awhile I thought I would get a strawberry pot (highly available when you are NOT looking for one!) but then gave up my search! Then I came up with the idea of using some wine crates I had laying around. These were the perfect destination for my fresh garden of seasoning....moveable and fashionable!!!
I stained each crate with mineral oil (which is safe to ingest by the way - instead of those other stains on the market) and filled them with dirt, chalked full of MIRACLE GROW!!! (which probably isn't safe to ingest!! LOL!!!)
Then I simply transplanted my herbs into three different boxes....I still left some room in the last box, because I want to pick up a couple more (oregano, mint & dill) so I needed a little space to plop them in.
Here are my pots that I did this year....
I wanted lots of green with a little splash of white to them, so I filled them with Hostas, Ivy's, Coleaus and White Snap Dragons. I also found this curly spiky plant that added some great texture!
Love the crispness and freshness of everything right after a spring rain!
Ready to welcome SUMMER with arms wide open!